Horyzonty Wychowania (Feb 2017)
Znaczenie cielesności w edukacji człowieka
With the words of the article above, the author tries to direct the reader attention to the issue of the meaning of corporeality in the culture of the postmodern society. The body in the era of postmodern consumption assumes the form of the decisionmaker, who has an infl uence on professional career, life career, on achieving success. Postmodern man more and more often becomes ONLY a body, depends on it, the body nearly tyrannizes him with its requirements. And what are these requirements? It is the necessity to be appropriate to social and cultural norms. And it is no one but man who set up these norms. And so: a beautiful body is identifi ed with being a success. Therefore, man takes care of his body, providing it with every measure that cosmetology or medicine have.Yet, following the path of satisfying his needs, more and more often man does not pay attention, does not give any thought to how far he can interfere in the nature. He is aware of the possibility to interfere in his body, to correct the nature, to beautify himself. He interferes in his body more and more drastically, doing it with the help of splendidly developing plastic surgery. Never theless, continuous pursuit of the appropriateness of his your body becomes dangerous. Those who are more affected cannot hold on the pressure. Psyche answers with addictions, inadequate behaviours, anorexia, bulimia, depression. There are no moral ideals, which young people could rely on. Parental education, social education at school became mere slogans. What changes do we need for the soul to be calm and satisfi ed, and the body beautiful, without doing harm to anyone?