Pastos y Forrajes (Jan 2023)
Distribución de materia seca, área foliar y calidad nutricional en dos genotipos de Clitoria ternatea L.
Objective: To evaluate dry matter distribution, leaf area and nutritional quality in two Clitoria ternatea L. genotypes. Materials and Methods: The plants, 30 days old, were established in the field in a vertical trellis training system. A complete randomized experimental design was applied, with thirty replications per genotype and one plant as experimental unit. Ninety days after the experiment was established, growth and nutritional quality variables were evaluated in the blue and white genotypes of C. ternatea. Results: The genotype affected (p < 0,05) the growth and nutritional quality variables, except for the percentages of dry matter, ash, crude fiber, and total digestible nutrients. The blue genotype showed higher dry matter content per plant, leaf/stem ratio, leaf area, crude protein and ethereal extract percentages. The white genotype showed higher percentages of nitrogen-free extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and acid detergent lignin. Both genotypes had high percentages of dry matter, crude protein and total digestible nutrients, as well as excellent relative forage value. Dry matter intake potential was excellent in the blue genotype, and high in the white genotype. Conclusions: Growth and yield of the genotypes were different; while dry matter distribution was similar, mainly in the leaves. The blue genotype stood out for its higher vegetative growth (leaves, branches and stem). The white genotype stood out for fruit and flower production. The bromatological composition and nutritional quality of both genotypes were excellent.