Наукові праці Національної бібліотеки України імені В.І. Вернадського (Jan 2018)
Dissertational Researches on the History of Pedagogical Science and Practice of the Period of the Ukrainian Revolution at the Present Stage (2001 - 2015): Bibliometric Analysis
The results of the bibliometric analysis of dissertation researches on the problems of the pedagogical theory and practice in the period of the Ukrainian Revolution are presented; quantitative indicators of the formation of various branches of pedagogy and its individual disciplines are determined. Quantitative analysis of the documentary flow of dissertations was carried out on the following parameters: the total number of doctoral and candidate dissertations defended during 2001‒2015; dynamics of quantitative indicators of dissertations already defended in pedagogical, psychological and philosophical studies, that presented results of researches conducted in institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The source base of study is the corresponding information provided by the electronic catalog of V. I.Vernadsky National library of Ukraine and the List of topics of the dissertation researches defended in institutions of National academy of the pedagogical sciences of Ukraine reflected in the NAPN official portal. Trend of increassng both number of thesises and NPA research institutions of Ukraine where the researches were conducted, is stated. The trend emerged due to expansion of number of the institutions which went through the stage of organizational and functional reorganization.