Revista Brasileira de Educação Física e Esporte : RBEFE (Sep 2010)

Comparação das respostas cardiorrespiratórias de um exercício de hidroginástica com e sem deslocamento horizontal nos meios terrestre e aquático Comparisons of cardiorrespiratory responses in a hydrogymnastics exercise with and without horizontal movement on land and in aquatic environment

  • Ana Carolina Kanitz,
  • Eduardo Marczwski da Silva,
  • Cristine Lima Alberton,
  • Luiz Fernando Martins Kruel

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 3
pp. 353 – 362


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O objetivo do estudo foi comparar as respostas cardiorrespiratórias de um exercício de hidroginástica (corrida estacionária) realizado com e sem deslocamento horizontal no meio terrestre (MT), em piscina funda (PF) e em piscina rasa (PR). Seis mulheres jovens realizaram os exercícios durante 4 min numa cadência de 80 bpm. O exercício consistia em flexão e extensão de quadril com os braços simulando um movimento de corrida. A frequência cardíaca (FC) e o consumo de oxigênio (VO2 ) foram coletados no último minuto de exercício e a percepção de esforço (PE) foi coletada ao término do exercício. Para a comparação das variáveis utilizou-se ANOVA two-way para medidas repetidas com fatores meio e forma de execução (p The aim of the study was to compare the cardiorespiratory responses during an hydrogymnastics exercise performed with and without horizontal movement on land environment (LE) and in a deep (DS) and in a shallow swimming pool (SS). Six YOUNG women performed the exercise during four minutes in each environment (LE, DS and SS) and situation (with and without horizontal movement) in a cadence of 80 bpm. The exercise consisted in a hip flexion/extension while the arms simulating a running movement. The heart rate (HR) and oxygen uptake (VO2 ) were veriefied during the last minute in each exercise and the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was collected in the ending of the exercise. To variables comparisons was used ANOVA two-way for repeated measures with factors environment and situation (p < 0,05). For all cardiorespiratory variables analyzed, SS exercise were lower than that found on LE. Although, no difference was observed in the exercise performed on LE or in DS, except for the HR, that was lower during DS. Acording to the different situations, higher HR value was found during the exercise with horizontal movement when compared with the exercise without horizontal movement in the DS. These findings suggest the possibility to perform the exercise analyzed with similar energy expenditure and lower FC in DS when compared with exercise in LE. It is very important for people that need similar energy expenditure and lower cardiovascular overload during aquatic exercise.
