Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing (Sep 2007)

Gender and work ability among public workers: a cross-sectional study

  • Maria Silvia Monteiro,
  • Frida Marina Fischer,
  • Maiara Denardi de Barros,
  • Cínthia Mendes Rodrigues


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Objective: to assess demographic and lifestyles characteristics, working conditions and work ability among public workers looking at gender as a mediator factor.Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out at a public health institution. A questionnaire including individual, lifestyles, work characteristics, and the work ability index (Tuomi et al, 1998; 2005) were answered by the studied population.Results: Six hundred fifty one participants agreed to answer the questionnaire and were included in the study. This totalized 89.4% of the total population working in the institution. Females were 63.7% of all participants and the mean age was 43.1 for them and 49.0 for men.Descriptive analysis showed that women were younger than men (p
