Archives of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Oct 2013)
Axillary Keloid Formation after Osmidrosis Surgery
Keloid is a scar tissue that undergoes recovery and excessive growth over the original wounds when the collagen is excessively accumulated in the dermis during the wound healing process. The common sites of keloid occurrence include the anterior thorax, shoulder, upper extremities and ear. To our knowledge, however, there are few cases of keloid that occurs in the axilla. In addition, there are fewer cases of keloid that bilaterally occurs at the operated sites postoperatively in individuals with no past or family history. 21-year-old male had undergone subdermal shaving for the management of osmidrosis but had not received appropriate scar management during the military service. He visited us with a keloid-like scar formed in the bilateral axillae. We excised the scar tissue and treated it with local steroid injection and postoperative axilla compression. In histopathological report, no flattening of the overlying epidermis, and presence of keloid collagen which confirms diagnosis of keloid. We report our clinical experience with a rare case of keloid occurring in the axilla and treatment process.