Między Oryginałem a Przekładem (Dec 2024)

Problemy związane z przekładem tekstów prawniczych w świetle rozważań Jeana-Claude’a Gémara

  • Alicja Bańczyk

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 30, no. 4/66


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THE PROBLEM OF TRANSLATION OF LEGAL TEXTS IN THE LIGHT OF JEAN-CLAUDE GÉMAR’S REFLECTIONS The presented study aims to show the translational thought of Jean-Claude Gémar, who is one of the founders of jurislinguistics, a branch of science that deals with the linguistic analysis of legal texts. At the beginning of the article, the reasons for the researcher’s perception of law primarily as a manifestation of culture and the translation difficulties arising from this are shown. Subsequently, Gémar’s proposed translation strategies to be used when translating legal texts are analysed. Particular emphasis is placed on terms that are specific to the legal culture in question and terms that are completely unfamiliar to the target language. Finally, the researcher’s suggestions related to the training of translators of specialised texts are presented.
