Universidad Médica Pinareña (Aug 2020)
The comprehensive training of students of medical sciences based on the humanistic thought of Fidel Castro Ruz
Introduction: education is the source of values and where great virtues are achieved. The values that should characterize every Cuban revolutionary, and even more, the health care professionals graduated in its bosom, are often absent in university praxis to the detriment of their human quality. Objective: to describe the importance of the humanistic thought of Fidel Castro Ruz for the comprehensive training of the student of Medical Sciences. Method: a literature review was carried out in SciELO, LILACS and CUMED databases. Theoretical methods such as historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and comparative-historical were used. Thirteen references were chosen for the development of this article. Development: the thorough study of the stages and periods defined in Fidel's life will have a clear expression in the strengthening and apprehension of values established in the knowledge system of Higher Education. Conclusions: Fidel's humanist thought is the integrating conception of ideas about man, as a constant expression of human improvement. His life experiences at the university determined his ideas of social justice and human dignity, which become the basis of the necessary social conduct of Cuban doctors, who stand as a light of hope for the world at present.