Między Oryginałem a Przekładem (Apr 2023)
Krążenie wiedzy przekładoznawczej: lektury polskich studentów
CIRCULATION OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT TRANSLATION: POLISH STUDENTS READING LISTS The circulation of knowledge about translation is increasingly coming into the focus of translation studies scholars. Among the various forms of knowledge circulation in this field, in addition to conferences, regular meetings and academic publications, they point to encyclopaedias, anthologies and other collections of foundational texts, as well as textbooks. The present study is based on the reading lists drawn from the syllabuses of translation studies courses featuring in the curricula of various modern languages programmes offered by Polish universities in 2016-2019. It aims to identify the ‘Polish canon’ of translation studies knowledge emerging from the recent pedagogical practice. The analysis of the lists shows a fragmentation of recommended readings, leading to the conclusion that such a canon does not actually exist, and signals a dominance of texts written in English. Another striking finding is a very low proportion of translations, and especially the absence of foreign ‘classics’ of translation studies in Polish.