F1000Research (Jul 2024)
Statistical data transformation in agrarian sciences for variance analysis: a systematic review [version 2; peer review: 2 approved, 2 approved with reservations]
In statistical analyses, a common practice for enhancing the validity of variance analysis is the application of data transformation to convert measurements into a different mathematical scale. This technique was first employed in 1898 by Edgeworth and remains relevant in current scientific publications despite the proliferation of more modern and advanced techniques that obviate the need for certain assumptions. Data transformations, when appropriately used, can make the model error terms approximate a normal distribution. It is also possible to use the technique to correct the heterogeneity of variances or to render an additive model, ensuring the validity of the analysis of variances. Given that this technique can be hastily applied, potentially leading to erroneous or invalid results, we conducted a systematic literature review of studies in the field of agrarian sciences that utilized data transformations for the validation of analysis of variances. The aim was to check the transformations employed by the scientific community, the motivation behind their use, and to identify possible errors and inconsistencies in applying the technique in publications. In this study, we identified shortcomings and misconceptions associated with using this method, and we observed incomplete and inadequate utilization of the technique in 94.28 % of the analysed sample, resulting in misguided and erroneous conclusions in scientific research outcomes.