iMex. México Interdisciplinario/Interdisciplinary Mexico (Jan 2019)
"Plus ultra! ¡Más Mundos hay!" – Discurso criollo y autoría implícita en las loas sacramentales de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
The present article analyses Sor Juana’s metatheatrality and self-fashioning in the loas that precede the autos sacramentales El Mártir del Sacramento, San Hermenegildo and El Divino Narciso, starting from the hypothesis that Sor Juana uses authorial figures to highlight her authority as Creole writer and educated woman in the Viceroyalty of New Spain. Interpreted from the angle of the Creole consciousness, the implied author positions herself between the new and the old world, knowing both epistemological systems from the inside. In this way, she intercedes in favour of an epistemological pluralism, which is typical of the Creole discourse characterized by its transcultural tendency and its efforts to mediate between the western culture and the indigenous traditions of America.