Absorbent Mind (Jun 2022)
Tingkat Pendidikan Islam Orang Tua dalam Kontribusi Peningkatan Karakter Religius Anak
Keberhasilan anak tidak terlepas dari peran penting keluarga terutama orang tua dalam memberikan perhatian akan kebutuhan material dan non material. Keberhasilan pembelajran pada anak usia dini salah satunya adalah aspek religius, hal tersebut tidak akan lepas dari peran orang tua. Sebesar apa tingkat pendidikan agama Islam orang tua tentunya akan memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap keberhasilan aspek religius anak dalam keluarga, dan akan didukung oleh proses pembelajaran di sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan mengenai tingkat pendidikan Islam orang tua dalam kontribusi peningkatan karakter religius anak. Metode Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kuantitatif di RA MUSLIMAT NU 085 Pulosari Jambon Ponorogo, dengan prosedur pengumpulan data melalui teknik dokumentasi dan angket. Data yang terkumpul melalui kedua teknik tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa tingkat pendidikan Islam orang tua anak RA MUSLIMAT NU 085 Pulosari Jambon Ponorogo didapat 30% atau 15 anak dengan tingkat pendidikan Islam orang tua dikategorikan baik, 40% atau 22 anak dengan tingkat pendidikan Islam orang tua dikategorikan sedang, dan 20% atau 13 anak dengan tingkat pendidikan Islam orang tua dikategorikan kurang. Jadi ada pengaruh tingkat pendidikan Islam orang tua terhadap karakter religius anak RA MUSLIMAT U 085 Pulosari Jambon Ponorogo sebanyak 97,2%. Kata kunci: Karakter Religius; Orang tua; Tingkat Pendidikan. Abstract Children's success cannot be separated from the important role of the family, especially parents, in providing attention to material and non-material needs. One of the successes of learning in early childhood is the religious aspect, this cannot be separated from the role of parents. The level of Islamic religious education of parents will certainly have a positive influence on the success of the child's religious aspects in the family, and will be supported by the learning process at school. This research aims to describe the level of Islamic education of parents in contributing to improving children's religious character. This research method was carried out quantitatively at RA MUSLIMAT NU 085 Pulosari Jambon Ponorogo, with data collection procedures through documentation and questionnaire techniques. The data collected through these two techniques was then analyzed using the product moment correlation analysis technique. The research results showed that the level of Islamic education of the parents of RA MUSLIMAT NU 085 Pulosari Jambon Ponorogo children was found to be 30% or 15 children whose parents' level of Islamic education was categorized as good, 40% or 22 children whose parents' level of Islamic education was categorized as moderate, and 20% or 13 children whose parents' level of Islamic education was categorized as lacking. So, there is an influence of the level of Islamic education of parents on the religious character of children RA MUSLIMAT U 085 Pulosari Jambon Ponorogo as much as 97.2%.