Motricidad (Sep 2010)

Influencia del nivel de competición sobre las conductas antisociales observadas en jugadores de fútbol Influence of competition level on observed antisocial behaviours in soccer players

  • R. Montes,
  • S. Márquez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 0
pp. 1 – 11


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<p class="resumenyabstract" align="justify">En este estudio se examin&oacute; la influencia del nivel de la competici&oacute;n sobre las conductas antisociales observadas en jugadores del f&uacute;tbol. Se obtuvieron datos correspondientes a diversas categor&iacute;as de un club del f&uacute;tbol a partir de las infracciones redactadas en 285 actas arbitrales. No se detect&oacute; ning&uacute;n comportamiento antisocial en las categor&iacute;as de 7-9 a&ntilde;os, con una progresi&oacute;n en categor&iacute;as superiores, hasta un m&aacute;ximo de 2,4 sanciones por partido en la categor&iacute;a de 21 a&ntilde;os. Se observaron diferencias significativas para conductas tales como falta en la disputa del bal&oacute;n, protestar decisiones arbitrales, agarrones o p&eacute;rdida de tiempo. Dichas conductas no estaban presentes en las categor&iacute;as m&aacute;s bajas, aumentando su n&uacute;mero a partir de las categor&iacute;as de 11-12 a&ntilde;os hasta los niveles competitivos m&aacute;s altos. Otros comportamientos tales como falta sin disputa del bal&oacute;n, amenazas a contrarios, o insultos al &aacute;rbitro y a contrarios no se pon&iacute;an de manifiesto hasta las categor&iacute;as de 13-14 a&ntilde;os, pero el n&uacute;mero de sanciones segu&iacute;a siendo bajo y similar en los diversos niveles competitivos. Nuestros datos confirman que la experiencia puede ser un determinante importante de los comportamientos antisociales. Sin embargo, existen diferencias entre sus distintos tipos, siendo los de car&aacute;cter instrumental los que aumenta claramente en funci&oacute;n de nivel competitivo.<br /><strong>Key Words:</strong> Conductas antisociales, f&uacute;tbol, nivel de competici&oacute;n, edad</p><p class="resumenyabstract" align="justify">This study examined the influence of competition level on observed antisocial behaviours in soccer players. Data corresponding to different categories of a soccer club were obtained by an archival method, using sanctions from 285 referees&acute;game summary sheets. No antisocial behaviours were punished in the 7 to 9 years-old categories, with a progression thereafter until a maximum of 2.4 sanctions per game in the 21 years-old category. Significant differences emerged among players in the different categories for behaviours such as fault to gain possession of the ball, discussing the referee&acute;s decisions, holding and opponent, or delaying the restart of play. There were no sanctions for those behaviours in the lower categories, increasing their numbers from the 11-12 years-old category until the higher competitive levels. Other behaviours, such as making contact with the opponent before touching the ball, striking or threatening an opponent, and offensive or insulting language directed to the referee or to an opponent, first appeared in the 13-14 years-old players, but number of sanctions remained low and similar in the different competitive levels. Our data confirm that playing experience may be an important determinant of antisocial behaviours. However, the various types work differently, and are instrumental behaviours those that clearly increase as a function of competitive level.<br /><strong>Palabras Clave: </strong>Antisocial behaviour, soccer, competition level, age</p> <p class="tabulado" align="justify">&nbsp;</p>