Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

Care actions for family members of users of psychoactive substances: intentions/expectations

  • Daiana Foggiato de Siqueira,
  • Marlene Gomes Terra,
  • Letícia Becker Vieira,
  • Amanda de Lemos Mello,
  • Claudete Moreschi,
  • Keity Laís Siepmann Soccol

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 71, no. suppl 5
pp. 2221 – 2228


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ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the professionals’ intentions and family members’ expectations about care actions developed to the relatives of users of psychoactive substances. Method: a social phenomenology approach according to Alfred Schütz, performed in a Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and Drugs. Interviews were performed with 13 professionals and 12 family members. Results: there is a reciprocity of perspectives between the professionals’ intentions and the relatives’ expectations, described by the effectiveness of the treatment of the user (typical of the action of both). The family members seek for care actions, expecting to improve the user’s treatment. Final considerations: the findings provide reflections for professionals about the health care actions and the organization of the service for the family’s mental health.
