Introduction and objective: pancreatic endocrine tumors (PET) are difficult to diagnose. Their accurate localization using imaging techniques is intended to provide a definite cure. The goal of this retrospective study was to review a PET series from a private institution. Patients and methods: the medical records of 19 patients with PETs were reviewed, including 4 cases of MEN-1, for a period of 17 years (1994-2010). A database was set up with ten parameters: age, sex, symptoms, imaging techniques, size and location in the pancreas, metastasis, surgery, complications, adjuvant therapies, definite diagnosis, and survival or death. Results: a total of 19 cases were analyzed. Mean age at presentation was 51 years (range: 26-67 y) (14 males, 5 females), and tumor size was 5 to 80 mm (X: 20 mm). Metastatic disease was present in 37% (7/19). Most underwent the following imaging techniques: ultrasounds, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Fine needle aspiration punction (FNA) was performed for the primary tumor in 4 cases. Non-functioning: 7 cases (37%), insulinoma: 2 cases [1 with possible multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN)], Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES) from gastrinoma: 5 (3 with MEN-1), glucagonoma: 2 cases, 2 somatostatinomas; carcinoid: 1 case with carcinoide-like syndrome. Most patients were operated upon: 14/19 (73%). Four (4/14: 28%) has postoperative complications following pancreatectomy: pancreatitis, pseudocyst, and abdominal collections. Some patients received chemotherapy (4), somatostatin (3) and interferon (2) before or after surgery. Median follow-up was 48 months. Actuarial survival during the study was 73.6% (14/19). Conclusions: age was similar to that described in the literature. Males were predominant. Most cases were non-functioning (37%). Most patients underwent surgery (73%) with little morbidity (28%) and an actuarial survival of 73.6% at the time of the study.