Verbum et Ecclesia (Oct 2003)
Die hi�rargiese funksionering van God, mans en vroue in die brief aan die Efesi�rs
Since the fourth century before the Christian era has the household been considered as the most basic unit� of� society. Furthermore,� this micro cosmos is reflecting the pyramidal structure of the whole society (meso cosmos) and even the universe (macro cosmos). In this article I point out how the author of the letter to the Ephesians uses this idea to portray the hierarchical functioning of God the Father of fathers in the universe. The Christian community is portrayed as a reflection of� this hierarchy and therefore the household should also reflect this order. The best way of maintaining the power in society, namely the Christian community, is to make sure that the head of the household, namely the man/father/boss holds to his rightful place as head of his wife and household. The author advices women to submit to their husbands and� therefore they should meet the cultural requirements of the public order rather than to live up to the Christian principles of faith.