Jurnal Ternak Tropika (Apr 2012)
ABSTRAK Kontribusi ternak lokal dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pangan protein hewani bagi masyarakat Indonesia masih patut diperhitungkan, walau ditenggarai ada penurunan populasinya. Adanya tingkat pemotongan ternak produktif yang tidak seimbang dengan tingkat reproduksinya, ditambah dengan masih berlangsungnya kebijakan impor sapi potong maupun dagingnya, menyebabkan terancamnya ternak sapi lokal menuju kepunahan. Upaya yang harus dilakukan adalah mengembangkan populasinya dengan memperbaiki performans produksi dan reproduksinya. Namun perlu diingat bahwa dalam program perbaikan mutu genetik ternak, program rekording yang dilakukan secara tertib, benar, akurat, dan berkesinambungan, harus mendapat prioritas utama. Untuk memudahkan rekapitulasi dan analisis data, diperlukan software rekording, yang tentunya harus sederhana dan mudah diterapkan di lapang. Dalam Program Rusnas Sapi, telah dirancang software rekording sapi potong (SRS Versi.1.1.) yang dapat digunakan untuk rekapitulasi dan pengolahan data performans produksi dan reproduksinya. Dalam implementasinya di lapang, software tersebut masih terus dikembangkan dan di update sesuai dengan kebutuhan penggunanya. Bersamaan dengan perancangan software rekording sapi, juga telah dipersiapkan disain website sapi potong lokal Indonesia, dimana beberapa tahapan inventarisasi data telah dilakukan. Dengan demikian diharapkan akan terdapat wadah komunikasi bagi para peternak dan terakumulasinya data-base sapi potong lokal di Indonesia. Kata kunci: Rekording, performans, sapi potong lokal, software. DATABASE RECORDING MODELS OF INDONESIAN LOCAL BEEF CATTLE PERFORMANCE ABSTRACT The contribution of livestock to meet local needs in food of animal protein for the people of Indonesia should still be calculated, despite the decline in population there. The existence of cutting the level of productive livestock that is not balanced with the reproduction level, and the remains of the policy of import of beef and beef cattle, causing threathened Threatened cattle to the local extinction. Efforts must be done is to develop the population by improving performance production and reproduction. However, keep in mind that the program in the genetic improvement of livestock quality, the program rekording conducted in an orderly, correct, accurate, and sustainable, must get top priority. To facilitate the summary and analysis of the data, the software needed rekording, which of course must be simple and easily applied in the field. Rusnas Cattle in the program, the software has been designed rekording beef cattle (SRS Versi.1.1.) That can be used for reconciliations and data processing performance and production reproduksinya. In the implementation in the field, the software is developed and updated in accordance with the needs of users. Along with the design of the software rekording cows, has also prepared design the website of local beef cattle Indonesia, where several phases of the inventory data has been done. Thus, it is expected there will be for container communications breeders and data-base accumulation of local beef cattle in Indonesia. Keywords: Recording, performance, local beef cattle, the software