Омский научный вестник: Серия "Общество. История. Современность" (Jun 2018)
District measurement of Omsk regional studies: to the issue of studying the heritage of V. S. Anoshin, N. F. Chernokov, I. S. Korovkin
The article presents information from archival sources supplementing known biobibliographic information about local lore specialists of the Omsk Region — V. S. Anoshin, N. F. Chernokov, I. S. Korovkin. The thesis about the need to study information about local historians is being argued — I. F. Kiryakin, P. T. Sigutov, M. A. Bizyakina, A. A. Varushina, N. A. Svirkin, M. I. Rakitinа