Diacovensia (Mar 2018)
Retoričko-kritička analiza Poslanice Galaćanima (II)
This article is a continuation of the rhetorical-critical analysis of the Epistle to the Galatians started previously. The first article discussed the method of rhetorical criticism, its relationship with epistolography and the question of the partition of the rhetorical act. Then we started the analysis of the Epistle which is, due to the limited space, continued in this article with a demonstrative section (Gal 2:15 — 4:31). Here Paul argues for the correct understanding of the history of salvation, the relationship between the Law and faith, and the true identity of the faithful. Then, in the parenetic section (Gal 5:1 — 6:10), he sets the standard by which the faithful must live their newly found freedom in Christ. The Epistle ends with a hand-written conclusion in which Paul summarizes its key theological themes and controversies.