Geodetski Vestnik (Jan 2012)

Urbani obvodni javni prostor – reka kot razvojni generator : Urban riverside public space – river as the generator of development

  • Artur Olaj,
  • Peter Gabrijelčič,
  • Alenka Fikfak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 56, no. 1
pp. 151 – 168


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Odprti javni prostori imajo ključno vlogo v razpoznavnosti mest, kar zlasti velja za javne prostore, ki leže ob rekah. Zato so reke, ki tečejo skozi mesta, njihovo naravno bogastvo in hkrati velik razvojni potencial. So močan ekonomski razvojni generator ter generator rasti in oblikovanja mestnih tkiv. Javni odprti obrečni prostori in njihove različne oblike so odvisni od hidroloških in geomorfoloških značilnosti rečnega telesa ter vplivov širšega okolja. Obravnavana tema je pomembna, saj sta bila kakovost obrečnih prostorov in njihov razvojni potencial v preteklosti premalo upoštevana. Danes so to prostori mesta, ki doživljajo največje transformacije. Za namen raziskave je bil pomen urbanega obvodnega javnega prostora preverjen v šestih evropskih mestih. Tema je v prispevku podrobneje predstavljena v treh mestih: Ljubljani, Ptuju in Gradcu. V njih prepoznavamo stične točke v odnosu do obrečnega prostora. Razprava o urbanem obrečnem prostoru se navezuje na dve območji, ki sta izbrani kot prostorski okvir raziskave: ožje območje rečnega koridorja (KUV – koridor urbanega vodotoka) in širše obrečje (NUV – nabrežje urbanega vodotoka). Javni prostori na območju NUV imajo velik in poseben prostorski potencial, kar je potrdila raziskava med uporabniki javnega prostora, izvedena z anketo v navedenih mestih. Anketa je hkrati pokazala nizko stopnjo splošne zavesti meščanov o možnostih, ki jih ponujajo obrečni prostor in ureditve javnih prostorov ob njem, ter o načinih, kako ta prostor obogatiti ; Open Public Spaces play a key role in visibility of cities, especially public spaces near rivers. This is the reason rivers in the cities represent their natural wealth while simultaneously being their development potential. They are strong economic development engines, engines of growth and creators of the urban fabric. Public open riverside spaces and their different forms depend on geomorphological features of the river body as well as the impact of the wider environment. The topic is important, as the quality of riverside spaces and their development potential was previously insufficiently taken into account. Today these are the spaces of cities, which experience enriched transformation. For the purposes of this research, the theme of the importance of urban waterside areas was verified in six European cities. The paper presents in detail the importance of this topic in three cities: Ljubljana, Ptuj and Gradec. They recognize points of contact in relation to the riverside area. The debate on urban riverside areas is related to two areas that are selected as a spatial framework for research: the immediate area of the river corridor (KUV – corridor of urban watercourse) and the wider riverside space (NUV – urban river embankment). Public space within the NUV region has great and specific spatial potential, which was confirmed among users of public space through surveys conducted in those areas. Surveys also showed a low level of general awareness of citizens about the possibilities offered by riverside areas and regulation of public space around it, as well as explore ways to enrich this space.
