Zhejiang Daxue xuebao. Lixue ban (Mar 2011)

含非线性梯度项的椭圆方程大解的渐近行为(Asymptotic behavior of large solution to elliptic problems with nonlinear gradient terms)

  • ZHANGSheng-zhi(张生智),
  • XIJin-hua(席进华)

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 38, no. 2
pp. 131 – 134


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By Karamata regular variation theory and the method of lower and supper solution, the boundary behavior of boundary blow-up solutions of the nonlinear elliptic equation Δu± | ▽u|q = b(x) f(u) in Ω,subject to the singular boundary condition u | ∂Ω =+∞ is investigated, where f grows at infinite, faster than any power up (p>1), b(x) ∈Cα (Ω) for some α>0,which is nonnogetive in Ω.
