Journal of Clinical and Scientific Research (Jan 2013)

A rare case of spontaneous anterograde migration of enteral feeding tube

  • H. Narendra,
  • A. Ramesh,
  • R.A. Tankshali

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 34 – 36


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Feeding jejunostomy is done as a part of major upper gastrointestinal surgeries including oesophagectomy. The procedure is associated with various mechanical, nutritional, infective and metabolic complications. Complete enteral migration is a very rare complication. We describe the rare occurrence of complete internal dislodgement and migration of enteral feeding tube in a 55-year-old lady who underwent transthoracic oesophagectomy for oesophgaeal carcinoma with gastric pull-up and feeding jejunostomy and our experience with conservative management of this condition.
