Energy Reports (Dec 2023)
Integrated grid forming-grid following inverter fractional order controller based on Monte Carlo Artificial Bee Colony Optimization
The modern power system is becoming a more inverter dominant system. In inverter dominant systems the grids can be controlled using grid forming and grid following converters. Historically the grids are controlled by the separate operation of such kinds of inverters. But often, for small systems or microgrids, the cost of the system and reliability can be improved only by using a single inverter with two different controllers acting based on grid conditions. In this work, a novel Monte Carlo Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) optimized fractional-order PI controllers have been used to develop a single inverter to operate optimally on both grid-connected and islanding conditions. Monte Carlo simulation has been performed for determining the initial optimal search space for the optimizer. The performance of the proposed controller has been compared with two other different optimization algorithms namely, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO). The performance of the proposed controller has been validated in different scenarios by real-time simulation in OPAL-RT.