F1000Research (Sep 2023)
Pandemic Pedagogy: Perception of Nursing students’: A cross-sectional study [version 3; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]
Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic impacted across the globe disrupting all sectors including the higher education universities. Nursing institutions faced various challenges due to the pandemic restrictions, of which the abrupt shift of implementing the curriculum to online mode posed a major challenge to both the teachers and the students. To assess nursing students' perception of pandemic pedagogy and the challenges faced in remote teaching-learning, this cross-sectional survey was conducted among 982 undergraduate nursing students from three Deemed to be University nursing institutions of Southern India. Institutional Ethics Committee approval (IEC 444/2020), permission from the heads of the institutions and study participant’s consent was obtained. Data was collected using an online survey questionnaire which had three domains, including student-related (19 items), teacher-related(5 items), and physical learning environment-related factors (11 items). The reliability was established using Cronbach’s Alpha (0.86). Explored the favouring, hindering factors and challenges faced during the emergency remote instruction with open-ended items. The overall mean score of perceptions on pandemic pedagogy was 89.03±10.03. Sixty-three percent of students had a total perception score above 87 which indicates that they preferred remote learning (synchronous) during the pandemic whereas 45% preferred face-to-face classes. There was a significant difference in the total perception scores and the years of study( F (3, 978) = 4.96, p = 0.002). The factors favouring remote learning were, an opportunity to view the recorded classes even after the live classes’ (n=165), and ‘more time to spend for learning activities’ (n=152). Factors that hindered the learning or the challenges faced were poor network connectivity (n=451), and lack of opportunity for group study (n=326). Students favoured remote learning during the pandemic; however, there were several challenges. The educational institutions need to prepare themselves to overcome this and focus on a blended learning curriculum.