Modern Geográfia (Oct 2017)
A székelyföldi vármegyék az Osztrák-Magyar Monarchia vármegye-térképei alapján készült georeferált online térinformatikai adatbázisa
In today’s digital world an integrated multi-source online database is increasingly common. Since the majority of data can be easily placed in geographic space, map-based visualizations are of special importance. This led us to make available the census data of 1910 for four counties of the Szeklerland using the closest map representation for that time. Thus, we selected as chart base the maps of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy printed at the beginning of 20th century. The contents of them were made available in vector format rather than in raster format. One of the main advantages of the vectorized version, is the possibility to minimize the overlay content of the base map due to the individual vision controllability for each content element.