Folklor/Edebiyat (Nov 2017)
PosıtIonıng In Chıldren’s Advertısıng In The Context Of The Consumer Culture Theory: A Semıologıcal Analysıs On “Koton Kıds” Advertısement Fılms / Tüketim Kültürü Teorisi Bağlamında Çocukların Reklamlarda Konumlandırılışı: “Koton Kids” Reklam Filmleri Üzerine Göstergebilimsel Bir İncele
At the present time, the consumption of goods and services has become an indicator which determines people’s place and state in society rather than meeting their basic needs. Through commercial, the awareness that an individual will have a privilege position in society is given; by the consumption habits and products he/she uses. While all commercials sell a product in private, in general they also sell the value of consumption and the life style which the product reflects. The commercial is a part of our culture and it presents ideals about this culture. The commercial has been used to sell the products and the consumer capitalism. This is the point that the commercial has the consumer ideology. Now, commercials have become a big part of our lives. The individuals, especially the children, get the message of commercials consciously or unconsciously and they perform consumption activity. While commercials direct individuals and children to consumption on one hand, on the other hand they function as a control mechanism of the social values. During socialisation process, a child will give a meaning to him/herself and his surrounding through commercials, and rather than achieving numerous humanitarian values such as; working, being successful, and being a virtuous person, he/she will be convinced that he/she could be happy just by consuming. In this study, by means of using semiology technique with reference to Barthes, it has been analyzed how the consumption-centered identity and life style are fictionalised on children, and how the dominant values and ideology of consumption culture are recreated in commercial texts.