Acta Biológica Colombiana (Jul 1999)
Arius kesslerl & Sciadeops troschelii (Pisces: Ariidae) growth in floating net cages in estuarine waters of Buenventura Bay-Colombia
Two species of estuary catfish the Arius kessleri (CoCoCo) and the Sciadeops troschelii (Nato) were held in floating net cages at varying densities in estuarine waters of Buenventura Bay-Colombia. After 120 days for the Cococo had weights of 84.1 g Y64 g with densities of 5 and 30 specimen/rn'. The growth average was 0.58-0.39 g/day; the net yield obtained vary from 0.35 to 1.16 Kg/m', the food conversion ratio vary from 3.3 to 5.0 and de survival rate vary from 86% to 100%. With the Nato we obtained weights of 164 and 184 g, beginning with weights of 41 and 108 g their growth average vary from 0.50 to 0.82 g/day. The net yield obtained vary from 0.58 to 0.75 Kg/m' and the survival rate vary from 83% to 100%. From these results we conclude that the two species of catfish studied are strong species but they do not offer good possibilities for fish farming in estuarine waters.