Nanomaterials (Aug 2017)

Nanocomposites Based on PCL and Halloysite Nanotubes Filled with Lysozyme: Effect of Draw Ratio on the Physical Properties and Release Analysis

  • Valeria Bugatti,
  • Gianluca Viscusi,
  • Carlo Naddeo,
  • Giuliana Gorrasi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 8
p. 213


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Halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) were loaded with lsozyme, as antimicrobial molecule, at a HNTs/lysozyme ratio of 1:1. Such a nano-hybrid was incorporated into a poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) matrix at 10 wt % and films were obtained. The nano-composites were submitted to a cold drawn process at three different draw ratios, λ = 3, 4, and 5, where λ is l(final length)/l0(initial length). Morphology, physical, and barrier properties of the starting nanocomposite and drawn samples were studied, and correlated to the release of the lysozyme molecule. It was demonstrated that with a simple mechanical treatment it is possible to obtain controlled release systems for specific active packaging requirements.
