Pharmacy (Jun 2020)
Implementation and Effectiveness of an Interprofessional Support Program for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Swiss Primary Care: A Study Protocol
This research protocol illustrates the use of implementation science to support the development, dissemination and integration in primary care of effective and sustainable collaborative pharmacy services for chronic care management. The objective is to evaluate the implementation and the effectiveness of a pharmacist-led patient support program including regular motivational interviews; medication adherence, patient-reported outcomes, and clinical outcomes monitoring; and interactions with physicians, for patients with type 2 diabetes taking at least one oral antidiabetic medication in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. This is a prospective, multi-centered, observational, cohort study using a hybrid design to assess the patient support program. The evaluation includes three levels of analysis: (1) the implementation strategies, (2) the overall implementation process, and (3) the effectiveness of the program. Qualitative and quantitative methods are used, and outcomes are assessed at each stage of the implementation process: exploration, preparation, operation, and sustainability. This research project will provide key insights into the processes of implementing patient support programs on a large scale and adapting the traditional community pharmacy practices towards the delivery of person-centered and collaborative services.