Cybergeo (Mar 2011)

La location meublée à Paris et en Petite Couronne : métamorphoses d'un statut d'occupation

  • Emmanuel Trouillard



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Since the early 1990s, the private furnished rental sector has strongly developed in Paris and its inner suburbs, which is especially due to tax reliefs. This housing sector is now closer to the private unfurnished rental one than to the furnished hotel business with which it used to be associated. Meant for short‑term renting, this form of accommodation is characterized by its centrality and the small surfaces it offers. Moreover, it turns out to be more expensive than the unfurnished sector. The tenants are often young people at the beginning of their residential history. They also often live alone. This growth of the furnished rental sector leads to its gentrification, as it takes place in favor of senior executives, middle‑classes and students, rather than in favor of its traditional low‑class customers. These deep changes go with a redefining of the functions that this sector is bound to play on the real‑estate market of the Paris metropolis.
