Psychology and its Contexts (Jan 2016)

Verification of extended model of goal directed behavior applied on aggression

  • Katarína Vasková

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1
pp. 93 – 108


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The study was aimed to verify Model of Goal Directed Behavior (EMGB) by Perugini and Bagozzi (2001) applied on aggression by Richetin, Richardson and Boykin (2011). Two different studies were performed. Firstly original form of model was verified. In the second study, modification of EMGB through new conceptualization of scale of perceived behavioral control was executed. The research sample consisted together from 385 students of University of P.J. Šafárik and High school in Košice (182 respondents (78 men, 104 women with average age 20,84 years and standard deviation 1,94), who were involved in first study and 203 students (49 men and 154 women, with average age 19,71 and standard deviation 1,99) participated in second study) who were administrated questionnaire by Richetin et al. (2011) and Richardson Conflict Response Questionnaire (Richardson & Green, 2006). Expectancy of comparable relationships between particular factors of EMGB in comparison to its published original version was verified. Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling. In first study was shown insufficient fit of EMGB model. There were hypothesized two main sources of problems. At first, weak relationship between attitudes and behavioral desire was shown. Following statistical procedures confirmed its direct impact on intention, what is in correspondence with another studies (see Leone, Perugini & Ercolani, 2004, Perugini & Bagozzi, 2001, Richetin et al., 2011). Second source of problems was identified in factor named perceived behavioral control. Difficulties from our point of view lied in conceptualization of the term and its subsequent measurement. In the second study was involved new conceptualization of control. It corresponded with Baumeister´s understanding of selfcontrol as asserting control over one´s emotions, thoughts and behavior. After this modification sufficient fit of EMGB was shown. Besides this, factor of self-control was the strongest predictor of behavioral desire. Also important impact of this factor on prevolitional stages of aggressive behavior was identified. Next important predictor of behavioral desire was anticipation of positive emotions, but not negative emotions. These results correspond with theory of self-regulation where behavior that is focused on goal attainment is accompanied with positive emotions (see for example Cacioppo, Gardner & Berntson, 1999, Carver, 2004). Results confirmed not only sufficient model fit, but also explained 53% of variance of behavioral desire, 68% of intention and 37% of behavior. Some limitations should be mentioned - especially unequal gender representation in the second sample. Some results could be affected by lower sample size. For the future we recommend use also other types of aggressive behavior in verification EMGB and also to apply more complex incorporation of inhibition to the model. At last, character of this study is co-relational, therefore further researches should manipulate with key variables in experimental way to appraise main characteristics of stated theoretical background.
