Medisur (Nov 2005)

Doctor´s formation in Cuba. A critical perspective of its history.

  • Carmen Niurka Piña Loyola,
  • Marta Rosa González Debén,
  • Ana Margarita López Rodríguez,
  • Magdalena López Rodríguez del Rey

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 3
pp. 58 – 67


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In this work a historic análisis is made about the teaching of Medicine in Cuba, since its beguining back in 1726 until present days, that is why the study has three stages: Colony, Neocolony, and Revolution, with the aim of carrying out a hystorical reflection on the formation of the physician in Cuba. We use history as a methodological criterium, but it is interesting to highlight the evolution of practical and political ideas that mark the tendencies and regularities of the process in question.
