Sučasnì Informacìjnì Tehnologìï u Sferì Bezpeki ta Oboroni (May 2019)
Estimation of information flows of the control and test station
There is carried out the estimation of information flows of the test station on the basis of the known positions of the theory of communication depending on the method of processing of intermediate results of control. There we also considered the patterns of formation of reference currents in devices with cyclic sequential sensor survey and the principal possibilities of improving the characteristics of the test station by introducing a subsystem of pre-processing information. The influence of the parameters of the test station, the scope of control tasks and the range of information transmission on the constructive characteristics of the test station (weight, cost of test station) is determined. The estimation of information flows in the test station has made it possible to link the parameters of the test station (number of sensors, measurement accuracy, reference flow and sampling algorithm) with the parameters of the information transmission device (throughput of the communication channel and the signal / noise ratio). The obtained attitudes can be used for designing the test station and optimizing it according to the cost criterion.