Cuadernos Dieciochistas (May 2009)
La Guerra de la Independencia en el mundo germano The Peninsular War in the Germanic Context
La Guerra de la Independencia despertó un gran interés en el mundo germano, lo cual se tradujo, además de en consecuencias políticas, en un enorme caudal de mensajes, ya fueran éstos informativos o propagandísticos. Algunos rasgos del conflicto determinaron que los europeos vieran la contienda con admiración y simpatía, mientras que otros provocaron el rechazo en lo que entonces eran Alemania y Austria. Fuera como fuera, la guerra rescató a España del olvido político e informativo en que se hallaba.The Peninsular War brought about in the Germanic world a renewed interest in Spain, as a result of which there were both political consequences and an enormous surge of both informative messages and propaganda. Certain characteristics of the conflict meant that Europeans had both admiration and sympathy for the struggle. At the same time, the cruelty and bigotry which was apparent at times brought about resistance from what was then known as Germany and Austria. In any case, nobody remained indifferent to this war, which had the power to rescue Spain from the political and informative oblivion it had been in and hurl it headlong into the foreground.