مجلة التربية والعلم (Mar 2020)
Comparison of Methods for Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in Cervical from Women in Mosul City
The study included detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in the cervix of symptomatic and a symptomatic woman. A total of (60) woman aged between (16-C.trachomatis was presented in percentage (35%) by Indirect microimmunoflourescence test (30%) by ELISA (25%) by culturing (21.6) by Giemsa stain, , (5%) by rapid test in symptomatic and asymptomatic women. This result showd that Indirect MicroimmunoaFlourecence is more specific to detect Chlamydia than other test while the rapid test was of no value in detection of chlamydia in endocervical swabs Also the result showed that the percentage of Chlamydia in a asymptomatic woman such as infertility and abortion had high percentage than symptomatic woman such as vaginal discharge, abdominal pain' and ectopic pregnancy . Also the result showed that the isolation rate in age group (21-30) years was the more dominate than other age group.