IEEE Photonics Journal (Jan 2011)

Numerical Study of the Near-Field and Far-Field Properties of Active Open Cylindrical Coated Nanoparticle Antennas

  • Junping Geng,
  • Richard W. Ziolkowski,
  • Ronghong Jin,
  • Xianling Liang

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 6
pp. 1093 – 1110


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A very electrically small, active open cylindrical coated nanoparticle model is constructed, and its electromagnetic properties are investigated in the visible frequency band. Its optical response under both planewave and electric dipole antenna excitations shows very strong dipole behavior at its lowest resonance frequency. The scattering cross section at that dipole resonance frequency is increased by more than +50 dBsm for the planewave excitation. When the open structure is excited by a small current (I0 = 1 ×10-3A) driven dipole antenna, the maximum radiated power of the composite nanoantenna can be increased by +83.35 dB over its value obtained when the dipole antenna radiates alone in free space. The behaviors under various locations and orientations of the dipole are explored. Dipole orientations along the cylinder axis and symmetric locations of the dipole produced the largest radiated power enhancements.
