Український стоматологічний альманах (Mar 2015)


  • V.T. Dyryk

Journal volume & issue
no. 3
pp. 14 – 18


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Modern technological progress is characterized by comprehensive application of chemicals of the economy, including the widespread use of crop protection chemicals. Every year in Ukraine soils paid 1 million 700 thousand quintals of pesticides. Research local authors suggest that there are so-called professional xenobiotics that determine the development of a number of diseases, including dental, making urgent further study clinic, pathogenesis, morphogenesis and treatment of dental diseases among workers in different sectors of modern production, including agro. Abstract. Every year in Ukraine soils brought 1 million 700 thousand quintals of pesticides. Practically no one economy is not functioning without pesticides, which grows industrial and food crops, regardless of the form of ownership and land use system. The studies of domestic authors suggest that so-called professional xenobiotics, causing the development of several diseases in particular dental, which make it relevant to further study of the clinical course, pathogenesis, morphogenesis and treatment of dental diseases among workers of different industries of modern production. Materials and research methods. The monitoring of structure of diseases of periodontal tissues was conducted in 184 workers of hothouses working in the conditions of open soil (I main group), 212 persons of agroindustrial complex, working in the conditions of the closed soil (II main group) and 90 persons of administratively-auxiliary part of these institutions (comparative group). The diagnosis of periodontal disease was established after the classification of N.F. Danilevsky (1994) and specified using paraclinical indices. The obtained results are worked out statistically. Results of the research and their discussion. In people working in the conditions of open soil at the influence of pesticides, the initial signs of the inflammatory periodontal disease (gingivitis+localized periodontitis) are diagnosed in 11,41 % of those examined that were, in average, in 1.9 times more than in people working in the conditions of the closed soil at the influence of pesticides and persons of the comparison group. At the same time, the developed forms of generalized periodontitis (GP ІІ - ІІІ of degrees of severity) revealed in 53,77 % of examined, working at the influence of pesticides in the conditions of the closed soil, that was in 1,6 times larger relative to the data of the main group ((36,21) %, р1<0,01) and in 3,4 times greater in relation to obtained values in the comparison group ((15,56) %, р<0,01). Among workers of I main group with the increase of work experience the proportion of examined with initial forms of GP increased and presented 23,81 %, and the primary forms of GP with experience of 15 years over were diagnosed only in 7,50 % of examined. In the workers of II main group, with the increase of work experience, the percent amount of examined with initial forms of GP that was diagnosed already in experience work interval 1-5 years decreased from 20,37 % to 3,92 % at experience work interval over 15 years. It should be noted that in persons of the main and comparison groups, with over 15 years of experience, GP of initial degree of severity did not appear. In persons of the comparative group, the initial forms of GP diagnosed in 25,0 % examined, in experience work interval of 6-10 years, and in 33,33 % of persons with experience in agriculture 11-15 years. When experience work interval over 15 years, the initial forms of GP revealed in 2 persons (10,0 %). Advanced forms of GP (II – III degree of severity) in persons of main groups began to be diagnosed in experience work interval of 6-10 years. Conclusions. Thus, as a result of the analysis of structure of periodontal disease depending on experience, in working in the conditions of contact with pesticides, on the closed soil investigated: • it is lower frequency of occurrence of intact periodontium all analtube intervals than in working of open soil and not contacting with pesticides; • it is lower frequency of occurrence of the initial forms of the inflammation of periodontal tissues (2,2 times) relatively to the obtained data in persons of the main group and the comparison group (1.3 times); • it is lower the incidence of primary generalized forms of periodontitis in relation to data of the comparison group (1.4 times) for the same number examined, compared with the values of the core group; • large frequency of occurrence of advanced forms of generalized periodontitis: in 1.6 times more than obtained data in the main group and in 3.3 times more than obtained data in the comparison group.
