Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Медицинские науки (Sep 2024)
Surgical aspects of pelvic organ prolapse (literature review)
The frequency of cesarean section does not decrease, despite careful medical examination of pregnant women. Any laparotomy is fraught with different complications and, first of all, the development of intraperitoneal adhesions.These adhesions in some cases can be complicated by adhesive disease and adhesive intestinal obstruction. Developing adhesions between the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and the parietal peritoneum can occur both without clinical manifestations and with pain syndrome. In this regard, numerous attempts are being made to carry out preventive measures, starting from the technique of surgery, ending with the use of various medications in the intraopreation and postoperative periods. There are various theories of the pathogenesis of spike formation. Various classifications of adhesions in the abdominal cavity are presented in the literature and, in accordance with this, various measures are proposed to combat adhesive disease. Despite numerous suggestions, the problem of postoperative adhesive disease remains an important problem in abdominal surgery.