Contraception and Reproductive Medicine (Apr 2021)
Assessment of intention to use postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in ambo town public health institutions, Ethiopia, 2018
Abstract Background Maternal mortality tragedy is the issue of both developed and developing countries, especially sub-Saharan Africa including Ethiopia, which is due to poor quality of maternal health care services. Therefore family planning especially the use of Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive devices can tackle unintended pregnancy and maternal death. However,the intention to use PPIUCD and the use of IUCD in general is not well practiced in Ethiopia according to evidences of the literatures. For this reason, many mothers are exposed to unintended pregnancy and pregnancy related complications. The main purpose of the study was to assess the intention to use Post-partum intra uterine contraceptive devices and its associated factors among pregnant women attending Antenatal Clinics in Ambo Town Public Health Institutions, Ethiopia, 2018. Methods A facility-based cross-sectional study design was conducted from March – April 2018 to assess the intention of pregnant women about Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive devices and associated factors in 422 pregnant women. Study subjects were selected using systematic random sampling. Data were collected by structured questionnaire, entered into a computer using Epi-info 3.5.4 statistical program, and exported to SPSS version 20 for analysis. A Logistic regression model was used to predict the intention of pregnant women about Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive devices and associated factors. Lastly, a significant statistical association was tested using 95% confidence interval (CI) and p value (p < 0.05). Results The response rate was 417 (98.3%) and this study showed that 145(34.9%) of pregnant women intended to use Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device. Age of pregnant women [AOR = 8.348(CI: 3.602–19.347], educational level [AOR = 3.249(1.057–9.985)], occupational status [AOR = 4.101(CI: 1.788–9.405)], monthly income [AOR = 3.175(CI: 1.423–7.082)] and knowledge [A0R = 5.408(2.994–9.767)] have shown significant associations with intention to use Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive devices. Conclusions The study found that 34.9% women intended to use PPIUCD. Maternal age, maternal educational level, occupational status, monthly income and knowledge were significantly associated with pregnant women intention to use PPIUCD.