Journal of Research in Education Sciences (Jun 2014)
「國中校長多元型模領導力量表」的編製及分析 The Development of a Multi-frame Leadership Scale for Junior High Principals
本研究依據L. G. Bolman和T. E. Deal 的理論,並參酌國情,建構一份創新且具有信度與效度的「國中校長多元型模領導力量表」,再分析國中校長多元型模領導力的現況。研究採用分層隨機抽樣,第一階段取樣 132 位教師進行項目分析、探索性因素分析與信度分析,第二階段取樣 646 位教師,並隨機分成兩組獨立樣本,分別進行驗證性因素分析與簡效模式的複核效化;最後,根據調查結果進行現況分析及討論。所得結論包括:一、國中校長多元型模領導力可分為教學領導、象徵領導、政治領導及結構領導等四個構面;二、二階單因素模式為一最簡效模式,量表同時具有良好的穩定度及預測力;三、國中校長多元型模領導力現況大致良好,且不論何種型模的領導力,各校校長自評程度總是優於教師評量程度,但兩者呈現正相關。根據研究結果,提出建議供國中校長、教師及未來研究參考。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of junior high school principals’ multi-frame leadership and to construct an innovative, reliable, and valid scale according to Bolman and Deal’s theory and national conditions. The scale is named the “Junior High Principal Multiframe Leadership Scale”. Through stratified random sampling, 132 teachers were examined using item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and reliability analysis. A target sample of 646 teachers was then randomly divided into two groups to perform confirmatory factor analysis and cross-validation. A situational analysis of the survey results was conducted. The major findings and conclusions are as follows: Junior high principals’ multi-frame leadership can be divided into four aspects, comprising instructional leadership, symbolic leadership, political leadership, and structural leadership; a second-order factor model is the most efficient model because of its stability and predictive power; and the current situation of principals’ multi-frame leadership is robust. The principals’ self-perception of their performance in each aspect was consistently higher than the teachers’ perception of them; nevertheless, both were positively correlated. Based on the results, recommendations are offered for junior high principals, teachers, and future researchers.