Review of Artistic Education (Mar 2016)
3. Specifics of Implementation Forum Theatre for People with Mild and Moderate Mental Retardation
The paper presents an empirical study in the area of implementation theatre forum for people with mild and moderate mental retardation in an environment of sheltered housing. Forum Theatre already takes place in primary schools, in orphanages, in the Roma community and so on. There is a lack of experience and research studies with the target group of people with intellectual disabilities. The present research was carried out in several phases over a period of one year. The main objective was to determine whether it is possible to use forum theatre techniques and subjects with mild to moderate mental retardation - whether this target group will be able to process the theatre forum to engage, understand the meaning and function of these techniques and that these techniques can be used as an alternative remedy to solve the problem and conflict situations. The research sample consisted of 11 adult clients of sheltered housing with mild to moderate mental retardation and 11 members of the realization team of the forum theatre (7 Actors and 4 employees in direct care in sheltered housing). Used qualitative research methods were focus groups (always followed the realization of the theatre workshop forum), participant observation and quantitative method was a questionnaire. Research has brought new insights and information.