Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (Mar 2014)

Kajian Kelompok Risiko Tinggi: Studi Pendahuluan Pengembangan Model Pengendali Prevalensi Penyakit Kardiovaskular

  • Wiwit Nurwidyaningtyas,
  • Siti Kholifah,
  • Aditya Rahma

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 1
pp. 18 – 24


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Peningkatan kasus penyakit kardiovaskular (PKV) baik pada kelompok penyakit jantung koroner atau Cerebrovascular Attack (CVA) perlu mendapat perhatian mengingat kecenderungan pergeseran usia serangan. Tindakan pencegahan perlu dilakukan sedini mungkin. Penelitian deskriptif eksplorasi ini mengkaji kelompok risiko tinggi untuk dikategorikan derajat risikonya dengan Framingham Risk Score (FRS) 10 years. Kajian ini dilakukan pada 25 orang responden yang termasuk kelompok berisiko di Malang Raya.Terdapat 64% yang termasuk dalam kategori risiko sangat rendah, 20% risiko sedang, dan masing-masing 8% kategori risiko rendah dan tinggi mengalami serangan PKV dalam 10 tahun yang akan datang. Fakor risiko PKV hampir selalu melekat dengan gaya hidup masyarakat yang berlangsung lama, tidak disadari, dan sulit untuk diubah dan dikondisikan dengan belum terbiasanya istilah identifikasi kelompok risiko melalui FRS 10 Years. Penting dibentuk model kepemimpinan komunitas yang kuat di masyarakat untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko, bekerjasama dengan tenaga kesehatan untuk melakukan manajemen faktor risiko sehingga prevalensi PKV dapat ditekan. Hal ini akan berimplikasi pada penghematan biaya hospitalisasi akibat PKV. Abstract High Risk Group Study: a Preliminary Study for Developing Model for Controlling Cardiovascular Disease. The increasing cases of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) both of coroner attack or Cerebrovascular Attack (CVA) needs more attention since there is a tendency the occurance of onset shift based on age, which are always based on lifestyle. This disease can be identified with Framingham Risk Score 10 years. The aim of this study was to explore non healthy life style and to identify risk group categories with the FRS 10 years approach. This research was conducted in a risk group of 25 respondents in Malang region selected using accidental sampling technique. 64 % respondents of high risk group were categorized as very low risk of CVD onset tendency for the next 10 years; 20 % respondents were in the medium category, whereas 8% of each was categorized in low and high risk category of CVD onset tendency for the next 10 years. CVD risk factors were in line with people’s lifestyle in a long period. It was not recognized and it was hard to be changed. Yet, it was in line with unfamiliar phenomenon of risk group identification through FRS 10 years. Therefore it is important to build strong community leadership models in the community to identify the risk factors and together with health workers perform its management to prevent the prevalence of CVD risk factors so that the costs of hospitalization due to CVD can be reduced. Keywords: FRS 10 Years, Leadership, CVD
