Silva Fennica (Jan 2013)

Comparison of silvicultural regimes of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) in Sweden 5 years after precommercial thinning

  • Kristina Ahnlund Ulvcrona,
  • Lars Karlsson,
  • Ingegerd Backlund,
  • Urban Bergsten

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 47, no. 3


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Early effects (stem volume, mean diameter at breast height weighted against basal area (Dgv) (Dgv), biomass and damage frequency) of different silvicultural regimes 18-19 years after direct seeding of lodgepole pine in northern Sweden were analysed. A Conventional regime, (i) precommercial thinning (PCT) to 2200 stems ha, was compared to: (ii) High biomass production (15 300 stems ha, no PCT) with and without corridor thinning at year 20, (iii) production of Large dimension trees (PCT to 1700 stems ha), (iv), Combined high biomass production and production of conventional round wood (PCT to 4500 stems ha). PCT was done 15 yrs after direct seeding for all PCT treatments. Local biomass functions showed that the regimes aiming at High biomass production displayed ca 144-157% more biomass and 134-143% more stem volume than the Conventional and Large dimension regimes (ca 21 tons and 31 m ha). Dgv for the 1000 (9.2 cm) and 2000 (8.3 cm) largest trees ha appeared unaffected by regime. By schematic corridor thinning (70% of the total area) at year 20 in the High biomass regime, 27-32 tons of biomass ha and 38-45 m ha could be derived while still having a Dgv of the 1000 largest trees ha of about 8 cm. Therefore, this study indicates that it is possible to produce and harvest large amounts of biomass and stem volume early in the rotation period without excluding later pulp and timber production. This initial regime comparison should be continued over time.-1-1-1-13-1-1-13-1-1