Język. Religia. Tożsamość (Jun 2023)
"Szczęśliwe dni" Stefana Badeniego jako źródło socjolektu łowieckiego dwudziestolecia międzywojennego
The subject of the research in the following article is the language of the hunters from the beginning of the 20th century depicted in memoirs “The Happy Days” by Stefan Badeni.The linguistic analysis proves that in accordance with the thesis by Bogdan Walczak, from the areas of historic sociolinguistics, the language used by the author constitutes a precious source for research connected with hunters’ sociolects, showing typical items as well as those rare in usage. The before mentioned linguist proves the balanced and regular usage and also variety in hunters’ sociolect. Moreover, there are also terms not recorded before in branch dictionaries but the usage in context shows the items were fixed in the hunters’ sociolect during the interwar period.The characteristic language for Badeni presents diminutive forms of sociolectal items as well as lexical and semantic innovations created due to modifications of dialectal names.