Analysis of the epizootic status of classical swine fever in the world for the period 2000–2009 and 2012–2020
Using information from the International Epizootic Bureau (IEB), an analysis of the epizootic status of classical swine fever (Swine Fever) in the countries of the world for nine years (2012–2020) was carried out, taking into account the continental affiliation. The epizootic state, concerning SF, depends on the economic situation in the states, the control of vaccinations in homesteads, the presence of grazing pigs, and their contact with wild boars. During the specified period, 1 case of SF from wild animals was registered on the territory of Ukraine in the Kyiv region. The number of disease outbreaks was calculated, and the data obtained were compared with the previously analyzed period of 2000–2009. According to the results of the analysis, it was established that the number of cases of SF for the period 2012–2020 indicates a higher degree of intensity of the epizootic state in Asia, South America, and Europe in comparison with the previous period – 2000–2009, and during the period 2012–2020, the Emergencies were registered on the territory of Europe (179 cases), South America (2586 cases), Asia (1452 cases). In our opinion, in the countries of Asia and South America, the intensity of the epizootic state with SF depends on the low level of biosecurity in homesteads (feeding uninfected food waste to pigs, free grazing and contact with wild boars in the absence of their vaccination against SF), unlike in Europe, where the intensity of the epizootic the situation is primarily related to the cases of this disease among the population of wild pigs, since there is a reliable level of biosecurity in pig farms and the lack of livestock vaccination. In the countries of Asia, the stress of the epizootic state regarding SF is also explained by the fact that a highly virulent strain of the SF virus was introduced into the territory of these countries. Thanks to the implementation by the State Veterinary Services of Asian countries of appropriate programs to fight against SF, where the main thing was the destruction and disposal of sick and dead pigs in negative points in dangerous zones, it was possible to stop the spread and manifestation of this disease. We believe that the permanent epizootic well-being with SF on the territory of Ukraine gives grounds for the development and implementation of a system of measures to eradicate the pathogen on its territory, which can be effectively achieved only by stopping the preventive vaccination of the pig herd.