Journal of Taibah University for Science (Jan 2020)
Ion-acoustic gardner solitons and double layers in magnetized electron-positron-ion quantum plasma
The nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic Gardner solitons (GSs) and double layers (DLs) in electron-positron-ion (EPI) plasma in the presence of an external static magnetic field has been examined. The Korteweg–de Vries (KdV), modified KdV (mKdV), and Gardner equations have been derived by the reductive perturbation technique. It is seen that the amplitude, polarity, speed, width of such solitons are significantly modified by the species densities and by the obliquity angle. Compressive or rarefactive KdV solitons are obtained, but only compressive solitons are obtained in the mKdV case, wherever Gardner positive and negative DLs exist. The results of our present investigation may be useful for understanding the nonlinear wave propagation in dense quantum plasmas such as those existing in white dwarfs, neutron stars and intense laser-solid matter interaction experiments as an example of laboratory plasmas.