Studia Universitatis Hereditati (Jun 2019)

Povezovanje turizma in kreativnih industrij pri oživljanju opuščene industrijske dediščine skladišča Monfort

  • Gorazd Sedmak,
  • Aleksandra Brezovec,
  • Neža Čebron Lipovec,
  • Ana Plestenjak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 1
pp. 113 – 127


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The study assumes that the cultural-historical character of the site and destination possesses a high degree of attraction for tourism and that a joint marketing of tourism and creative industries is a potential. The model is based on the synergy between the two activities, connected into a complementary and sustainability-bound business unit that considers the actual needs of all the stakeholders involved. Specificity of the presented marketing model lies in the intertwining of activities to attract tourist (external marketing) and activities aimed at connecting the inner stakeholders, namely the providers of the creative industry service at the site (internal marketing). Hence, the model represents a comprehensive strategic framework, within which the representatives of creative industries can enter cooperate and team-up in the presentation on the tourist market, while also assertively design their own specific visions, goals and marketing strategies.
