Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana (Jan 2014)
Immanenza e trascendenza nell’icono-sofi a di Pavel Florenskij
Pavel Florenskij, unlike many Russian reaserchers, who were convinced of the irreducibility between Faith and Reason, between Faith and Culture, was certainly a pioneer of a new epistemological orientation that was been able to develop a bold and vital link between logical and scientific reason on one side and Revelation on the other, between philosophy and theology, drawing inspiration from both the Orthodox spiritual tradition and from the profound changes in the contemporary scientific thought, in a synthetic vision of extraordinary theoretical intensity that is intertwined with his life tragically. The key topics that will be presented in this work, among the complexity and vast work of the theologian, philosopher, priest and martyr Russian, will be: the nature of opposites and in-systematic knowledge and its iconic dimension.