L’Instruction sur la procédure criminelle de 1791 : une autre présentation de la loi des 16-29 septembre 1791 sur la police de sûreté, la justice criminelle et l’établissement des jurés
Although historiography on the reform of criminal procedure by the Constituents has often focused on the law of 16-29 September 1791, it has not studied another text per se. This is the Instruction sur la procédure criminelle of 29 September 1791, which the deputies adopted to complete this law. This text is primarily technical in that it describes the criminal procedure regenerated by the Constituents. But beyond it lies a power issue. The adoption of this Instruction was intended to enable the National Constituent Assembly (1789-1791) to assert its authority over the judiciary. It also insists on the need to remove the police’s activities from the judiciary.