Journal of Computer Sciences Institute (Jun 2022)
Analysis of the performance of iOS applications developed using native and cross-platform technology.
Study presented in this paper concerns the comparative analysis of the performance of iOS applications developed using native and cross-platform technologies. For the purpose of the research, two iOS applications were implemented: the first one was created using the Swift programming language, while the second one using Flutter technology. For both applications, a set of research scenarios was defined, which assumed the examination of the time of execution and CPU consumption during the execution of operations, such as: sorting integers, writing and reading string from a file or writing and reading records from the SQLite database. The conducted analysis showed that it is not possible to clearly state which application is more efficient in terms of execution time and CPU consumption, because they obtained divergent results for different research scenarios. The native application performed better for file and database operations, while the cross-platform one obtained lower time and CPU consumption when sorting numbers.